Error code 2755 on Windows Server 2016
Piotr Wycichowski
Operating system: macOS

When we try to install SERP 8.5 210213 build 85360166 on Windows Server 2016, the process stops with such message:
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2755.
Can anybody help me with this?

/Piotr Wycichowski
Piotr Wycichowski
Maybe it is important: such behaviour occurs, when we are trying to UPDATE existing installation from version 8.5 200707

/Piotr Wycichowski
Dejan R.
Hi Piotr.

Thank you reporting the issue. Can you pleas test in the latest build (85360175) and if the issue still persist, then please report as a bug using Issue tracking.

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