8.5 2019-09-15 crash
Christoffer Riska
A client reported several problems with version 8.5.
Has anyone else seen this happen?
Has this been fixed in later releases than 2019-09-15?

1. The activities in the task manager are not popping up.

2. Uploading and downloading of attachments is very slow, and every now and then Hansa stops the loading with an encryption-error message.

3. When a quotation is made from an activity in the task manager, the customer's contact appears in "Our reference" field, when it is supposed to be in "Your reference" field.

4. When a contact is copied, Hansa also copies the contact persons. These copied persons can not be deleted from the new contact. If any changes are made in this contact person the changes are made in both contacts; the copied and the original.

5. When an activity is opened from one of the very few pop-ups, Hansa crashes immediately.

6. When browsing through contacts, the contact persons do not change according to the contact. The first contacts contact persons stays on the view all the time no matter which contact is displayed.

7. The pop-ups appear to the person in the "CC" field of the activity. And when it does, Hansa crashes immediately

8. If a product is sold with zero-price (e.g. a reclamation compensation), Hansa does not display the Sales Order in the possible deliveries-listing.

Omar Dottin
Hi Christoffer! Thank you for your post. We are currently reviewing and will get back you on the above issues.
Christoffer Riska
Created byOmar Dottin18:52 2 Dec 2019
Hi Christoffer! Thank you for your post. We are currently reviewing and will get back you on the above issues.
Any update on this issue?
Seems to be related to this one: https://partners.hansaworld.com/forum/viewmessage/2/2620
Omar Dottin
HI Cristoffer! All issues that you have mentioned above are not repeatable in Mac or Windows versions of 8.5 191126 bld 17 Client/Server - the released version of Standard ERP.

We suggest that you update to this version. If you experience any issues, please let us know. Thanks!

Best Regards,
Christoffer Riska
Created byOmar Dottin16:16 23 Dec 2019
HI Cristoffer! All issues that you have mentioned above are not repeatable in Mac or Windows versions of 8.5 191126 bld 17 Client/Server - the released version of Standard ERP. We suggest that you update to this version. If you experience any issues, pl

However, build 17 seems to have some language issues on documents. In around 5% the language is English even if ERP is set to another language.
This problem does not exist in build 10.

Unfortunately customers cannot download earlier builds :(
Omar Dottin
Hi Cristoffer! This issue has been reported and was fixed in Build 19 of 8.5 191126. It should be made available by the end of today for you to download from standardinstall.com. Thanks

Best Regards,
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