Operating system: Windows
In version 2022-03-03 85421439
It happens whenever a Bal. Date is entered. The following error shows up:
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX runtime error, hal stack is:Pop_record with wrong datatype2
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX dump of call stack
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX 00007FBCD407DA59 + 2255 hal/WActions/BankRecVcWAction.hal: TESTRECONSBANKRECW
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX 00007FBCD407DA59 + 8953 hal/WActions/BankRecVcWAction.hal: RECONSBANKRECW
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX HAL call stack dumped, check log file for details.
2022-04-22 08:15:11 XX Pop_record with wrong datatype2
Does anyone know or have gotten the same error?