Applitron e-commerce platform
Andreas Styrnell
Applitron e-commerce platform

By using StandardERP's Webshop & CMS, Pricing and CRM modules together with the WebAPI package from Applitron you can take full advantage of all information about products, customers, salesorders etc from StandardERP in the webshop, automatically without any extra administration. And, of course, let the webshop update your StandardERP database.

Applitron's e-commerce platform is based on Prestashop, one of the largest Open Source solutions for e-commerce. Whit the WebAPI-integration package developed by Applitron you get a fully integrated webshop.

With the powerful and easy to use modular e-commerce platform Prestashop as a base, the possibilities to create an amazing webshop are virtually endless. Prestashop has more than 250,000 installations worldwide and the product is translated into more than 60 different languages. Prestashop is both thematic and modular with a marketplace where third-party developers can sell their themes and modules. This gives us the opportunity to take advantage of the general development of the user interface and instead focus on the integration between the webshop and Standard ERP.

Some of our customers:

International customers (under development)

A typical customer:
Turnover: 1mEuro-10+mEur
Selling products B2B/B2C
Uses stock module and have a warehouse

If you have any questions or want us to do a customer demo, contact me on skype, andreas.styrnell

How does selling Applitrons webshop soulution benefit HansaWorld and you as a partner?

The end customer needs to invest in some modules, HAL,Webshop, Pricing and CRM, this gives both you as a partner and HansaWorld additional income from subscribtions

When investing in a integrated webshop, the customers are more tied to HansaWorld and less likely to switch ERP. (2016 i saved 2 customers from switching by getting them to invest in webshop)

The customer needs to learn the modules, and use them in a correct way wich means that they need to buy training. Also the data in current database often needs to be reviewed and registred correct.

When customers are using Standard ERP and all modules in a proper way, the customers are more happy and they see potential to furher improvements/development in Standard ERP. Also they will work as good referrals for new business. And with their approval you can make a great demo of Standard ERP with integrated webshop.

Besides the income from subscribtions and consulting, we will give partners a kickback for every sale or lead that generates a sale.

If you have any questions or want a personal demo, just add my on skype or send me an e-mail.


Andreas Styrnell

skype: andreas.styrnell
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