Backup Plans - None
Paul Timms
In System > Settings > Configuration, you can select a Backup Plan. The default when upgrading from earlier versions is None. What is the difference between None and Level 1? Both options seem to create a TB.TXT at the scheduled time.
Hi Paul, we have been looking at this as well.

We checked it and there is no difference. At level 2 and 3, you need to tell clients if they pay 10%-20% of their subscription we will save one text back-up of their server per day for them (don't tell the designers at HW but write a script to rename the file and if your client downloads a copy of the back-up once per day you get it for free). Of course, this means that we are being discouraged to offer HW hosting as a viable stable platform to trust your data to.

PS: Have you noticed that Journalling has now been escalated to a 100% increase in subscription? So if you wish to protect this proprietary database, you need to pay 100% of your subscription. It is sad but HW is doing what clients first concern was and that is the cloud vendors can hold their data ransom.

We have recognized the challenges this new attitude presents our sales team and have taken steps to mitigate this negative. Touch base with me on Skype if you wish more details maybe we can share experiences.

Giuseppe L.
Hello Paul and thank you for reaching out to us with your enquiry.

From 8.5 version, we are introducing advanced functionality for backing up data. Functionality related to backups is grouped into 4 Data Security Plans: Plan 1 offering minimum and plan 4 maximum automation and level of business continuity.

The following functions are included in the respective Data Security Plan:

One automated text backup, file name TB.TXT
The file is stored locally and gets replaced every day.

Daily automated text backup, file name includes date (TBYYMMDD.TXT).
Storing only the latest backup locally (1 local file).
One backup sent to the remote backup server each day.
10 text backups stored remotely: 7 daily backups from past week + 3 weekly backups from previous weeks (1 file per week).

Daily automated text backup, file name includes date (TBYYMMDD.TXT).
Storing only the latest backup locally (1 local file).
One backup sent to the remote backup server each day.
Text backups stored remotely: 1 monthly backup for past years 2-5 (48 files); 1 weekly backup for past year (52 files); daily backup for past week (7 files)
Database copy (HDB copy): 1 or 2 local copies a day (customer can choose). Files are overwritten, 1 day stored locally (1 or 2 latest database copies).
Users can work in the system while text backup is being exported.

Daily automated text backup, file name includes date (TBYYMMDD.TXT).
Storing only the latest backup locally (1 local file).
Text backups sent to the remote backup server as often as the customer chooses.
Text backups stored remotely: 1 monthly backup for past years 2-5 (48 files); 1 weekly backup for past year (52 files); daily backup for past week (7 files)
Database copy (HDB copy): 1 or 2 local copies a day (customer can choose). Files are overwritten, 1 day stored locally (1 or 2 latest database copies).
Continuous Database Copy.

Users can work in the system while text backup is being exported.
Journaling enabled.

Reserve system enabled.

Please don't hesitate to ask for more details.

HansaWorld Italy
Paul Timms
Thanks Giuseppe, I know about backup plans but my question was about the backup plan called "None".
Martins Ebersteins
"None" basically means "Unspecified" and works the same as LEVEL 1, as far as my understanding reaches.
Swati D.
Hi Paul

Are you satisfied with the answers given above? Martins is correct.

None give you one free backup daily TB.TXT

Can I close this request?

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