Report media mFile
Gastón Salomone

When user selects File media on report specification, a SaveFileDialog allows the user to select the file name to be generated and Path.
That dialog request a name with .txt extensión, but allows the user to write any name.

I need two things, One is to know which name user write, I want to open the file after report process and generate the file. I need to execute another program once the file is generated on client pc.

The other thing is to know if there is any way to change extensión txt in that dialog, to request a name with .xls extensión for example.

Dejan R.

if i understand you need correctly, you would like to add name of the user to created File name? If that is the case then it can be hardcoded using HAL functionality.

Same solution can be for second part, changing extensions txt to some other extension.

Without HAL both options can be done manually...
Erik Elmgren
string [WindowClass]DefaultFileName(string,record RcVc) should let you change the default filename, but I think you have to suggest a full name.

I don't think you can get the actual filename used at the moment.

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