Printing notes results in "overwritten" lines
Aldevinas Katkus
Operating system: Windows
I have a ONE string of 190 chars (there are no spaces in that string, it is a comma separated list) in the note and it does not wrap correctly when printed: it lines are printed one over another if I print it via Operations>>create email or first wrapped line is hidden behind the second line if printed to the standard Windows PDF printer, such as Microsoft PDF printer.

Investigation with hal shows, that the line is somehow magically splitted into more lines, as LineTextCnt(Noter) returns 3 instead of 1.

to make it work I tried
tstr = GetTextField(Noter);

but this cuts the text, does not print everything either.

Is this a bug?

Carolina Valentino
thanks .. Aldevinas for your question. i ll check it with a pm and back to you
Carolina Valentino
thanks .. Aldevinas for your question. i ll check it with a pm and back to you
Carolina Valentino
this i got from programer

if there is no hidden characters you must report the bug.
I can provide workaround for it but bug should be reported

rwcnt = LineTextCnt(Noter);
for (i=0;i
tstr = tstr & LineTextGet(Noter,i);

this should be workaround for it but I want to know if its bug or not

Aldevinas Katkus
I have reported a bug Forms>>printing note results in overwritten text
Carolina Valentino
Carolina Valentino
Carolina Valentino
Adelvinas, could you add a Demodata on the bug?
Aldevinas Katkus
Demodata is attached.
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