push notification using SendWEBRequest
Operating system: Windows

we want to use function SendWEBRequest to send push notifications via Google Firebase, but the parameters of the function are not quite clear. Below we put question marks "= ?" for functions that need to be explained.


server = server address
443 = port

-1 = ?
true = ?
"POST" = request method
getstring = request parameters to be included into the request line (after server address)
"text/xml" = Content -Type
"" = ?
false = ?
req = request body in json format?
reply = response?
30 = ?

Appreciate Your comments and recommendations.

Nick Hemming
hi Audrius

This is being reviewed by the Team and I WILL GET BACK TO YOU asap.

Nejc R.
server = server address
443 = port
-1 = original use was second parameter is web port third is SSL port and then ssl flag decides what to use. but if the third parameter is <0 second is used no matter what
true = use SSL flag (will use SSL if true)
"POST" = request method
getstring = request parameters to be included into the request line (after server address)

"text/xml" = Content -Type
"" = Used for SOAP method
false = not certain I think its mostly unused now but should be set to false

req = data that will be sent as the payload in the request (usually a json or XML)
reply = data that comes back as the payload in response (usually a json or XML)
30 = timeout in seconds
Created byNejc R.10:27 18 Aug 2021
server = server address 443 = port -1 = original use was second parameter is web port third is SSL port and then ssl flag decides what to use. but if the third parameter is <0 second is used no matter what true = use SSL flag (will use SSL if true) "POST
Thank You!

Christoffer Riska
Created byNejc R.10:27 18 Aug 2021
server = server address 443 = port -1 = original use was second parameter is web port third is SSL port and then ssl flag decides what to use. but if the third parameter is <0 second is used no matter what true = use SSL flag (will use SSL if true) "POST
Maybe someone could update this site http://halforum.hansaworld.net/primitives
It is missing a lot of info.
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