Aldevinas Katkus
Operating system: Windows
I have found a function GetLineFromArea() in the Paysera payment gateway code and tried to use it to get first lines of the file
which begins with:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploaded_file"; filename="hw_presta.png"
Content-Type: image/png
and I can see the follwing code returns every second row as an empty one.
fname = GetLineFromArea(filearea,0);
LogText(0,"line0=" & fname);
fname = GetLineFromArea(filearea,l);
LogText(0,"line1=" & fname);
fname = GetLineFromArea(filearea,2);
LogText(0,"line2=" & fname);
fname = GetLineFromArea(filearea,3);
LogText(0,"line3=" & fname);
2021-04-09 09:34:10 /THREAD(26) line0=-----------------------------319058603621414682042947460147
2021-04-09 09:34:10 /THREAD(26) line1=
2021-04-09 09:34:10 /THREAD(26) line2=Content-Type: image/png
2021-04-09 09:34:10 /THREAD(26) line3=
Is this a bug or feature?
I tested on Windows. File lines were separated by CRLF.