Norway SAF-T
Eberstein Business Solutions
Operating system: macOS

Can anyone share information about SAF-T in Norway? Is the export ready in SERP? if so how can we get documentation? And with whom should we talk to?
Dejan R.

The SAF-T Export is ready, but there are still some improvements needed to be done. For documentations we suggest to contact HansaWorld development manager.
Katrin Veskimäe

Here is the documentation for the SAF-T added for Norway in 2017.

NOR>> Localization>>NL and SL>>Exports>> Standard Audit File-Tax ( SAF-T) for Norway

Added in SERP 8.3 2017-08-31 and SACC 8.4 2017-09-14

There is a new legal requirement from the Norwegian tax authorities that has to be implemented.

SAF-T Standard Format accounting (SAF-T Financial) contains mainly account specifications (NL), and account Specifications (Sales ledger) for customers and suppliers.

This is valid for products Standard Accounts and Standard ERP.

If VAT-law is Norwegian:
Then export SAFT is be available.

This version of the SAF-T Financial is limited to the general ledger level including customer and supplier transactions.

Export format: XML

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