Asset maintenance

Is there any training material or manuals for the assets maintenance module, or if you can please provide any brief explanation for the registers that this module is providing.

Ahmed Gharaibeh
Adam Pember
Hi Ahmed,

You can use the following link for a manual on the Assets module:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Adam Pember
Martin A.
Thank you Adam.

Please let us know if you need any additional information Ahmed.

Kind regards,
Martin Arnbom
Thanks all for the your support,

What is I`m looking for is the (Asset Maintenance Module), and it is a different module than the (asset).

best regards
Ahmed Gharaibeh
Simone M.
Hello Ahmed,
following here the manual for all the available maintenance of the Assets module:
Dear Simon,

Thanks for your reply, that was very helpful.

Ahmed Gharaibeh
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