Install windows msi with command lines
Katrīne Žunna-Veličko
What ( if any) command line parameters can we pass to the installer:
1 - do a silent install

2 - install in a folder of our choice

There is need to push an install via a Group Policy, and invoke the installer in this fashion:

msiexec /i hw.msi /quiet /norestart /L*v hwinstall2.log -Wait -NoNewWindow
so there is no need for user input.

Thank you in advance!
Diana Klobukowska

To perform an unattended install of the Standard ERP client, you need to get the MSI package. Download the installer from Standard Install and run it. When the installation dialog appears, you will find the actual MSI package in the %TEMP% path.

The command line to install the client in C:\Program Files\HansaWorld\Standard ERP\ is (note that "installer.msi" should be replaced with the name of the MSI package you want to install):

msiexec /I installer.msi /quiet /norestart /L*v hwinstall.log TRANSFORMS=:Instance1 MSINEWINSTANCE=1 M4INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\HansaWorld\"

Kind Regards
HansaWorld Team
Katrīne Žunna-Veličko
Created byDiana Klobukowska09:36 6 July 2017
Hi, To perform an unattended install of the Standard ERP client, you need to get the MSI package. Download the installer from Standard Install and run it. When the installation dialog appears, you will find the actual MSI package in the %TEMP% path. T

If I run the latest 8.3 client installer on a PC with 8.0 already installed, even if I select "New Installation", it overwrites the 8.0 installation AND stuffs it up as well so I end up with neither 8.3 nor 8.0 working.

Is there parameters that allows to avoid this?
Hi Katrīne

What happens if you remove Standard ERP 8.0 from the folder and place it in a new location, before installing 8.3?

Otherwise I can suggest installing Standard ERP on windows through the normal installation process using the installer window and you can then select the location you would like to install Standard ERP.

Kind Regards,

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