Access to be able to save activities
Oskar Eriksson
In 8.3 2017-05-25

User starts from No access. Access group gives full access to calendar module and also register activities.

When trying to save a new activity however, nothing happens, No message.

Giving access to system module solves this issue, but this is not really an acceptable workaround. Is this a bug or by design. Any other workaround?

Oskar Eriksson
Avone IT
Giuseppe L.
Good morning Oskar,
I've experienced the same issues while testing and I can assume it's a bug. I tried using 8.3 2017-05-05 83250704 and setting different combination of modules just not to use the SY module as a workaround.
Please report the bug and I'll verify. Add my signature GEL in your report.

Best Regard
Giuseppe L.
HansaWorld Team
Paul Timms
Could you let me know if this bug was reported? I had the same issue yesterday after upgrading a customer's system to this version.
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