SMTP issue with 421 code
Piotr Wycichowski
Operating system: macOS

What means such infos in detailed hansa.log file form Email Gateway folder:

SMTP failed with code 421: Network error sending: RSET
SMTP TLS failed async: 1 ssl: 1 state: 7
SMTP Logon command failed with code 421
Network error sending: RSET

/Piotr W.
This answer was useful
Carolina Valentino
Hi Piotr

code 421:

The HTTP 421 Misdirected Request client error response status code indicates that the request was directed to a server that is not able to produce a response. This can be sent by a server that is not configured to produce responses for the combination of scheme and authority that are included in the request URI.

what that actually means -
Could be..
incorrect address of SMTP server? or maybe our SMTP integration is now outdated with some SMTP server -
that message does't say anything about "why" - that is just some server to server communication error stuff
Piotr Wycichowski
Thanks. Finally it occurred certificate problem on mail server. Weird is that the older version of SERP (2021-04-18) was able to sent mail using this server, while newer - not. Suddenly one day our SERP wasn't able to send mails. Our IT support man re-installed certificate and mails started to be sent again.

/Piotr W.
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