Disable sessions for REST API
Paul Timms
Operating system: macOS
I've noticed a new unsupported optional feature called "Disable sessions for REST API". Can anyyone tell me what this does please? I'm wondering if it's designed to prevent an issue where regular API calls can cause it to fail due to too many existing sessions?
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your question!

If that checkbox is used it should ask for authorisation on every call.
Without it (the default way) you authorise only on first time and then you have a session open until it expires.

Best Regards,
Brittany McGrath
Hi Paul,
Do you still require assistance with this or has it been resolved?
Thank you.
Brittany McGrath
Marking forum post as closed now as we have not received further response.
If you have any issues or questions you wish to discuss on this please open a new post.
Thank you in advance.
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