Strange messages in hansa.log
David Smerdel
Operating system: Windows
I'm getting a lot of strange entries in hansa.log about unsuccesful file activities. Sometimes connected to something a user does, sometimes apparently now. This appars multiple times per minute.

It makes the log difficult to read.... but, more importantly, since users have been complaining about poor responsiveness since updating to 2022-08-01, could this be related somehow?

What do these messages mean, should I be worried about them and how can I rectify the undeerlying issue?

2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM Printing Ponudbe 2204719
2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM failed to create file E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM windows error: The operation completed successfully.
2022-08-29 14:12:38 failed to create file web_sessions.log E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-08-29 14:12:38 windows error: The operation completed successfully.

2022-08-29 14:12:38 failed to create file web_sessions.log E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-08-29 14:12:38 windows error: The operation completed successfully.

2022-08-29 14:12:38 func:PrikaziProdNal

Also, as amusing as it is to read "error: operation competed successfully", this is perhaps something that doesn't belong in hansa.log at default verbosity.

Do you get more specific information in the log with parameter debug-detailed?

"2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM Printing Ponudbe 2204719
2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM failed to create file E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM windows error: The operation completed successfully."

This refers to the printer setup for quotations (ponudbe) form. I suggest you check you printer and form settings for the quotations.

David Smerdel
Created by10:10 5 Sep 2022
Hello, Do you get more specific information in the log with parameter debug-detailed? "2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM Printing Ponudbe 2204719 2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM failed to create file E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory 2022-08-29 14:08:46 LAM wi
I will check later for debug-detailed.

The issue is not limited to printing. It also happens when web functions are called:
2022-09-05 12:25:00 func:PrikaziProdNal
2022-09-05 12:25:00 failed to create file web_sessions.log E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-09-05 12:25:00 windows error: The operation completed successfully.

2022-09-05 12:25:00 failed to create file web_sessions.log E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-09-05 12:25:00 windows error: The operation completed successfully.

Sometimes, it even appears unconnected to anything (for example, the last line in hansa.log before one such occurence was a report someone ran 5 seconds ago).

Also, with printing, it is not limited to Quotations .... they also get it with other documents (Deliveries, Orders, Productions, ....).

Check the settings for what? I mean, what am I looking for that could be causing this?

The user doesn't notice anything - they get a printout same as they always did.

Have you been able to see if you get more information with debug-detailed?

If it's not related to printing it might be a setting in System>>Settings>>Optional features>>Unsupported. Check if you have activated checkbox "Updating Web Calls While Running Reports". If you activate this setting and restart server, this might remove the lines from the log.

Best Regards,
David Smerdel
debug-detailed gave no additional useful information....for example, with web calls:

2022-09-05 21:26:59 (1) func:PrikaziProdNal
2022-09-05 21:27:50 (1) CallHal("CallTXIdleTasks")
2022-09-05 21:27:54 (1) MM speed min: 0 ms, max: 1ms
2022-09-05 21:27:54 (1) MM speed last minute number of OS allocations: 4 average speed 0ms
2022-09-05 21:27:59 (1) /THREAD(23) failed to create file web_sessions.log E:\Standard ERP Server is current directory
2022-09-05 21:28:00 (1) func:PrikaziProdNal
2022-09-05 21:28:00 (1) /THREAD(23) windows error: The operation completed successfully.

With printing, the log looks exactly the same as at default verbosity

"Updating Web Calls...." has been active all along.


Sorry for late reply!

The development team is cleaning up the server logs. This might be fixed by the cleanup in future versions.

Best Regards,
David Smerdel
So to be clear, these messages are nothing to be concerned about and I can safely ignore them?
Bror-Erik Kotiranta

yes and yes

You will know if there are problems, but these ones are ok. You can check if the folder have proper rights but yes

Br, Bror-Erik
Brittany McGrath
Hi David,
Do you still require assistance with this or has it been resolved?
Thank you.
Brittany McGrath
Marking forum post as closed now as we have not received further response.
If you have any issues or questions you wish to discuss on this please open a new post.
Thank you in advance.
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