Telephony>>Generate SSH Keypair
Paul Timms
Operating system: Windows
In the PBX Connection screen is a button "Generate SSH Keypair". Where are these created when the button is pressed?
Simone M.
this button is used to create a pair of keys, to communicate with Askertisk via SSH in case is installed on a different cloud node.
This button won't be needed anymore, with the new release of MyStandard.
Access on the new cloud node will be granted automatically.
Paul Timms
Thanks Simone. I would like to test connecting SERP to FreePBX with root access. Since FreePBX does not have a cloudnode, I would like to generate this keypair and manually apply it to the FreePBX server. Therefore, I need to know where to find the SSH keys when I click the button.
Simone M.
In the paperclip attached on the record you'll find the keys.
Then you'll have to associate the public key on the FreePBX server to a user
and from SERP in the PBX Connections register, compile also the part in the Remote Administration tile.
(Remote directory and Remote user)
Paul Timms
A-ha, thanks Simone. Wouldn't it be a lovely feature if the paperclip icon changed when there was something attached to the record!
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