too many concurrent users on startup. Cannot start
Aldevinas Katkus
I have imported backup from 8.3 to 8.4 and after I quit the app, I cannot login any more (single user mode), I get an error message SString(1629,"Concurrent User limit on server reached. Your client will now close.");
I cannot login in single user mode. Any ideas?
Aldevinas Katkus
It looks like the problem was in the system>>settings>>configuration. 8.3 used to accept that configuration, but 8.4 does not like it.
Giuseppe L.
Hi Aldevinas,
thank you for reaching out to us with your post.
It looks like a bug, please try to repeat with sample data and report it eventually.

Best regards,
HansaWorld Italy
Aldevinas Katkus
Not sure how to repeat that. If I remember it correctly, the configuration had "number of concurrent users">"number of named users" and as a result all named users were "eaten" by concurrent users and needed to "eat" even more named users, but there were not enough named users to "eat", if I understand the licencing process correctly.
Swati D.
Hi Aldevinas

Can we close this question?

Have you reported a bug?

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