Item History records using wrong source
Paul Timms
What could be the cause of the following issue?

Goods receipt no.1, of item A with batch no. 123, qty 100.
Delivery no.1, of item A, batch no. 123, qty 60.
Goods receipt no. 2, of item A with batch no. 456, qty 100.
Delivery no.2, of item A, batch no. 456, qty 40.

Delivery no.3 of item A, batch no. 123, qty 40.

In the Item History Support Register:

- Delivery no.1 shows the source as goods receipt no.1, which is correct.
- Delivery no.2 shows the source as goods receipt no.1, which is incorrect.
- Delivery no.3 shows a blank source.

The FIFO on delivery no.3 is blank, therefore nothing is posted to stock or cost of sales. However, comparing the stock list values, the stock sub-ledger has reduced by the correct cost. This has caused an imbalance between the TB and the stock sub-ledger.

On rebuilding stock, with only the first box ticked, the sources are corrected.
Tomas J.

From your question it looks like a bug.

Please report it and we will proceed with the fixing.

Best regards,

Hansaworld support
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