eMails delivery is not reliable
SERP 8.3 2017-01-25 Windows Client


I have been running Outlook and SERP eMail in parallel for numerous months now.

I have noticed a definite inability of SERP to get all eMail for a person and reliability deliver them correctly.

Today it happen again that I was copied on an eMail from a customer and the eMail made it into Outlook and not SERP.

How can I send you feedback on this bug? What support files can I send you on this one?
Why is it when I post a message using it gets tagged with

Following up on this. It seems that any eMail I am copied on (cc) SERP does not deliver the copy to my mailbox.

Is this a deliberate thing within the systems' postmaster.

Users copied are not given copies of the eMail?
Found the reason for the issue with Neil being tagged when I submit a question and fixed it.

Sanjay Parbhoo
Hi Wayne

Unfortunately there isn't a simple way to setup a control to monitor the sending out of email. I know some are using an intermediary smtp provider who will give you reporting functionality.

/Sanjay Parbhoo [2017/03/07 09:51 AM]
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