User Login in 8.4 User or Email
Gastón Salomone
In SERP 8.4 users can login with either old user/password or standardid/password.

But when application starts login window allways shows email as first choice and user must change to their user name.
Is there any way or setting to change that behavior to offeer last user logged by first choice.

Users allways use their username to login since the beginnig of the time and I have many complains because they need to change the email to username every time they login into the system.
This would be not a problem if password for user is the same of standardID but they not.
And not all the users use diferent standard ID to validate the user.

The requirement from the users is simple, How SERP shows last user logged ?

Consider that most of the usernames are shorter than email an easy to remember.


Ester J.

It should also be possible to login with User + std id passowrd or std id + user password

This is set up by default, and will most likely not change.
I would suggest you to write a wish.

Or have customers make sure their standard ID is the same as their Database password.


Paul Timms
I was under the impression that once you've set your password against your Standard ID, this password then replaces the locally stored password for the user containing that Standard ID, thereby allowing users to log in with their Standard ID and password, or Person code and same password if there is no connection to the Standard ID password server. Is that still the case?

Is the problem here that multiple people are using the same client? If not, it does remember the e-mail address of the last user to log in, so it's not really a problem.
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