eMail going sent with empty body.
Numerous issues are occurring with the HTML tag turned on.

One in particular is that occasionally I will get an eMail taht when I select "Reply", I cannot type into the body to the generated email.

A second issue is that occasionally I would type my response and save and send and the intended recipient would respond that my eMail is "Empty".

When I check the eMail my response was not saved with the text.

Unfortunately I cannot find a pattern but I am hoping you have had this complaint submitted previously.

Aldevinas Katkus
The second issue always happens in our system.
Quick follow up. Discovered that if I turn off HTML the text is in the email. It seems that your issue is poorly formed HTML code.
Tomas J.

we need a patern to repeat, otherwise it's a lot of searching.

About 1st issue, that you cannot enter text, ussually it's because emails has a limited number of characters, so you can delete the previous email text, and try to type.

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