Optional Features>>Performance
Cozatec Global User
I'm trying to find exactly what the purpose of the 2 fields:
1. Internet Request Threads
2. HTTP Server Threads
are in moodules>>system>>settings>>optional features.

I could not find any mention of these in the manuals.
Would these be helpful in handling many requests to the web server at the same time?

Ester J.

We unfortunately do not have any documentation on what the purpose of these fields are, but from what I have heard from colleagues, is that the setting is used for allocating multiple cores for those things on the server (that usually has multiple cores processor) so that they happen faster.

It is most commonly used for reports from what I have been told.

I think it could be helpful for handling report requests, but I am not too sure if it will make a difference in handling many requests to the web server at the same time.

Kind regards,
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