Moving from one cloud server to another
Paul Timms
What is the correct procedure to move a customer's system from one hosted server to another? It seems that at the moment, this is not possible without help from someone at HW since the customer's system is registered to the cloud node on the current server, not on the new server.
Hello Paul!

To move a customer's system from one server to another you should:

A) On Linux servers:
1. Stop the services
2. Make a move to the new machine
3. Inform HW about new data folder (for this step we will soon build support on MyStandard)
4. Start the cloud node on new machine

5. Continue from MyStandard to manage your server

B) On Windows servers:
1. Stop the service
2. Make a move
3. Install Cloud Node service on new machine
4. Continue from MyStandard to manage your server.

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