Upgrading External Gateway
Paul Timms
When My Standard is used to upgrade a server version, the clients are automatically upgraded to the new version when they next log in. However, an external gateway client running on Linux does not automatically upgrade and therefore stops working. This can happen even if one hob file changes on the server. When the gateway starts up, it says:

Bad or not allowed HAL or HOB file in client hob/startlib.hob, hob/cleng.hob

for example, and then shuts down. Is there a correct procedure to update the gateway, other than downloading the HDB to an old Windows/Mac client, upgrading it, then uploading the HDB, hobs, executables etc. to the server?
Hello Paul!

Until we build support for this on MyStandard, you should get access to gateway server and update it together with main server.
Paul Timms
Created byBjanka07:23 6 July 2017
Hello Paul! Until we build support for this on MyStandard, you should get access to gateway server and update it together with main server.
How do you do that? I think the only way is to build a new gateway client, you can't upgrade the existing one.
You can request access to your External Gateway server. Once you have it, it will be available on MyStandard among your other servers.

So, to be clear: we don't support automatic update of External Gateway when main server is updated. But, if you have access to it, you can manually update it after you update the main server.
Paul Timms
We have access to all our servers using SSH. You say "you can manually update it after you update the main server" but I've not found a method of doing this on the server. As soon as you run it, it tries to auto-update and then gets into a state where it is partially upgraded and goes no further. So, what is the correct method of manually updating it?
Tomas J.

Manual update is simple as other servers. Select server, select update, and select to which version.
If it fails for your server, than please report a bug.

Best Regards,

Hansaworld support

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