My Standard - user rights
Paul Timms
When adding a new user on My Standard, there's the option to tick Access Marketplace. I have a couple of questions.

Does this give access to both Invoices and Subscriptions?
Is there any way to only give access to Invoices and not Subscriptions?

Also, when editing a user's access rights, Access Marketplace is not shown as a tickbox so you can't see that they have access to it. Is this being added to My Standard?


Hello Paul!

If "Access Marketplace" is ticked, this user will have access to both subscriptions and invoices.
Currently we don't have separate access rights for this, but it is a nice wish.

Not displaying "Access Marketplace" access right when editing user rights is a bug. Actual access is added, but it is not displayed. Thank you for noticing!
Paul Timms
Thanks Bjanka. Another question - Which access right is required just to give someone the ability to download a client?
Tomas J.

enough is just give access to view server logs.
In this case customer will see two things, View logs and connect to server

Best regards,

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