End user systems unresponsive when cloud controller is down
Paul Timms
In the last month, there have been a couple of instances of the cloud controller server going offline, which caused end user systems to become unresponsive and/or preventing users from logging in for a few hours.

1. What is being done to prevent recurrences of this problem?

2. Is there anything which can be changed to prevent end user systems being affected by the cloud controller server being offline?
Swati D.
HI Paul

I have asked the team to respond to you!

Sincere apologies for the downtime experienced. We are working on it and should be resolved soon

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

Tomas J.
Hello Paul,

Down time was not caused by Cloud controller.

It was caused of Standard ID server being down, because it is hosted in IBM cloud, and that server (IBM one - died). Yes downtime was 4 hours. But it was once only.

Due to this IBM's failure, we are moving that server to a more stable environment. And prepared a reserve system to prevent such events.
Also a new version will be released where calls to StandardID server will be changed.

Secondly, customers should be able to login and work with local database password and username, eg. SJ, ABC123. So if customers are crucial, customer should be able to log in and work with SJ + StandardID password and should log in one by one, not at the same time all-together.

Paul Timms
Thanks Tomas. Glad that work is being done to prevent this happening again.
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