Norwegian customer Mikrena AS 4716050 >> problems with languages
Kate Kaufmane

Norwegian customer Mikrena AS with contact number in HansaMail 4716050 has a problem with languages but only on one SERP client.

Language changes from Norwegian to English and back again when creating reports, PDF documents and also linked records change - for example, Fakturaer/Kreditnotaer are sometimes registered as Invoice/Credit Note; same with Utleveranse/Deliveries.

Can someone check language hob files on their server? I have access to their server in mystandard but hob files are not visible there anymore.

Any other idea why this problem can appear?

Martin A.
Hi Kate,

Hope you are fine.

I just republished the localizations for the customers version (client, server and localizations).
Please ask the customer to download a new client from MyStandard.

If this does not solve the issue, ask the customer to add Norwegian on the language field in the person record
(SY>>Settings>>Persons>>Open the specific persons - person record>>navigate to the Language field and use paste special and select NOR. If not possible to select NOR, just type NOR and save>>restart the client).

Let me know how it goes.

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