Re: Database Damaged
Gastón Salomone

This code was tested during a long time but not with a high amount of users using the system.

There was no modifications at database structure and only some about reports.

Once the client decided to go alive, we only import updated backup and go alive.
But as soon the users start to work, randomly the system crash in that way.

The question is:
* Is this a Memory problem because some data inside the database ?
* This is not a D4Index, so if Expo/Impo does not solve the problem, How I can detect wich is the data that is damaging the database.
How I can know in wich register is the record ?
* D4SegmentGetSize and all errors shown below are related to Memory, Index, Database Structure, massive Cache ?

* Why is this message appearing and What is counting backwards ? "Level 1 processed -64.69 percent, found 43 996 records" ….

* There is no similar bug/error/message in all HW reference about D4Index/D4Disk so I´m not able to understand the source of the problem.
Can HW tell me to what process this error is related ?


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