My client is currently running on SERP 8.3 2017-07-16 (build 83250800) on Linux.
A few days ago, the server began to act strangely by being slow, not allowing the search function or the "Ctlr + Enter" function to work, and preventing the creation of new invoices.
Currently, if they attempt to open any invoice, the client shuts down and the this error appears: "flds2>arp->fldcount". In more Detail:
2018-05-14 12:36:01 (1) CallHal("CallTXIdleTasks")
2018-05-14 12:36:11 (1) Checking updateclients for client autoupdate information
2018-05-14 12:36:18 (4) KBK flds2>arp->fldcount .
I have setup a test database on my computer, and the error as a window. The log shows
2018-05-14 13:37:35 (-1) /THREAD(4) WaitForAnswer() returning
2018-05-14 13:37:59 (3) CallHal("CallTXIdleTasks")
2018-05-14 13:39:02 (3) ADMIN PushButAfter ErrorClass hal:
What does this error mean? And how can i Resolve?