Rest API authentication

I am trying to get data out from SERP using the standard rest api on 8.4.

We run SERP 8.4 on our Linux Server. When i test the endpoints in the browser, this end point https://MYSERPSERVERIP/api/3/CompaniesBlock returns xml data without any problems. When i try https://MYSERPSERVERIP/api/3/SDVc or any other register, it requests for a username and password. I have tried to enter my standard ID and password with no luck. I know for sure that my standard ID works because i can login to the server with it via a client.

In access groups i have full permissions to the registers that i want to access. A also have the action for rest api set to full access. I have also ticked Web rest API and Allow Basic HTTP Authentication in System >> Settings >> Optional Features.

Can someone explain to me where the access credentials can be set or modified so that when i make a call to say for example https://MYSERPSERVERIP/api/3/SDVc i can be able to login and get data send back to me.
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