Aldevinas Katkus
Operating system: Windows
Is it a feature or a bug?
I used to invoke an import procedure from Technics>>Settings>>Timed operations, HAL routine and, suddenly, after changing non-related hal files the SetCompany(compnr,false) started to result in multiple logged in users (of the same user, who logged in first from a client) prohibiting other users to log in into single user companies.
I solved it with
if (ServerMode) then begin
and checking if DirExists() in the SomeImportIn(), because on the client PC import directory does not exist.
I suspect if FileNameFromFolder(nonexistingpath,"") below fails, then ResetCompany() is not executed and we have a user logged in into the company, even though SetCompany(tocompany,false) shouldn't affect logged in users count.
The most interesting part is that it worked for years and I haven't touched that SomeImportIn().
curcomp = CurrentCompany;
if (SetCompany(tocompany,false)) then begin
filename = FileNameFromFolder(nonexistingpath,"");
end else begin