runtime error, hal stack is:Call stack full


version 8.5
build 85330517

When a user(ELLI) tries to log in on to a live sync client.The client fails to connect and when another user connects (IBS) it connects easily.

find below a snippet of the log file

2020-02-06 16:27:19 IBS Login
2020-02-06 16:27:19 IBS Sync started
2020-02-06 16:27:49 IBS RecordCheckError, vc: IVCashVc field: SerNr record 1000230746 error: 2195 text: "No session opened"
2020-02-06 16:28:09 IBS Polling server, sendlevel=0, replyf=0
2020-02-06 16:28:20 IBS Close database
2020-02-06 16:28:25 *** running with new mail receiving and parsing ***
2020-02-06 16:28:25 *** Using Clock Replacement ***
2020-02-06 16:28:25 *** using a freelist to keep track of free space ***
2020-02-06 16:28:26 enabler flag 2 set by using UNPACKROWFIELDMATRIX in halcust//level0//Reports\DailytillStatusRn.hal:179
2020-02-06 16:28:26 Database ID is: CD8B7BBBEABC550872762DD0AB23D73B
2020-02-06 16:28:27 Sync connected to server
2020-02-06 16:28:27 8.5 2020-01-07 (build 85330517)
2020-02-06 16:28:50 ELLIOTT Login
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT runtime error, hal stack is:Call stack full
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT dump of call stack
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 0767D317 + 8387 amainhal/LookupService.hal: FINDSERVICEINCACHE
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 076849F0 + 5317 amainhal/LookupService53.hal: INTERNALSERVICEREQUESTSYNC
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 076B1C95 + 34482 amainhal/HTSCCTools2.hal: SENDCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESS
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 06A9F8A1 + 33271 hal/Tools/RemoteTools.hal: DOCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESSREMOTE
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT runtime error, hal stack is:Call stack full
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT dump of call stack
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 0767D317 + 8387 amainhal/LookupService.hal: FINDSERVICEINCACHE
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 076849F0 + 5317 amainhal/LookupService53.hal: INTERNALSERVICEREQUESTSYNC
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 076B1C95 + 34482 amainhal/HTSCCTools2.hal: SENDCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESS
2020-02-06 16:29:04 ELLIOTT 06A9F8A1 + 33271 hal/Tools/RemoteTools.hal: DOCHECKUSEREMAILADDRESSREMOTE
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